Zirconium is a kind of white metal alloy used instead of traditional grey dental metal for better aesthetics. It is used in the infrastructure of crown or bridge prostheses. Due to its durability and corrosion resistance unlike traditional metals, it is used in many areas other than crown and bridges in dentistry like full zirconium crowns, onlays, inlays…  In addition to being durable, zirconium coatings are both aesthetic and tissue-friendly materials with their high light transmittance.

On Which Teeth Zirconium Veneer Is Used?

-In smile design as an alternative to laminates,

-In cases that cannot whiten with bleaching methods and have internal coloration (antibiotics used at young ages, fluorosis caused by excessive fluoride consumption, etc.),

- If the patient does not prefer orthodontics for correction of crooked teeth,

- It can be preferred in broken teeth and large filled teeth with excessive material loss. People who are suitable for zirconium dental veneer are those who have completed their developmental period and have all their permanent teeth erupted. For this reason, zirconium coating treatment is not recommended for people younger than 18-20 years of age. Zirconium veneer can be applied to people with gum disease. However, in order for the zirconium to be applied, first the gingival disorders must have been treated.

What is the Treatment Process in Zirconium Crown?

Zirconium Crown has a varying process in each patient.

Local anesthesia is applied to the patient at the beginning of the treatment process. Then the teeth are prepared (grinded) and digital intraoral scans are taken. After, temporary and fixed crowns are produced specifically for the patient.

Since zirconium is applied specifically to the patient, necessary rehearsals are also done. If the patient does not like it and requests changes, corrections are provided. Thus, after the veneers are made suitable for the person, they are fixed on the tooth.

What are the advantages of zirconium supported porcelain tooth crowns?

1 - It reflects light, it has an aesthetic appearance very close to natural teeth.

2 - A white colored alloy is used as the infrastructure, no dark lines are formed at the gingival level, so it is much more aesthetic than grey metal-supported coatings.

3 - It is 100% compatible with the human body, does not show any allergic reaction.

4 - Zirconium is very strong mechanically.

5 - It does not cause any taste changes

6 - It does not cause bacterial plaque accumulation due to its smooth and slippery surface.

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