Teeth whitening (bleaching) is a cosmetic solution recommended for people who are not satisfied with the color of their teeth. It should be well understood that the bleaching process is a different application from the tooth polishing process, in which the tooth surfaces are cleaned.

Bleaching is an oxygenation method used to whiten teeth that have discolored for various reasons or to lighten a personalized tooth color by a few tones.
The natural colors of the teeth become darker with years and external factors. In addition, the teeth may appear more yellow or darker than desired due to the congenitally thin enamel layers. With the teeth whitening process, which can be done in the office or at home, the teeth are opened by 2-10 tons, a satisfactory whitening and a beautiful smile is obtained. Bleaching process must be applied under professional control.

Coloration on teeth is of 2 types:

1-Internal discoloration: These are the discolorations that have penetrated into the teeth and cannot be removed by brushing. Structural disorders that occur during the formation of teeth (due to drugs or excessive fluoride intake, etc.) are also included in this class. Bleaching is very successful in most of these cases.

2-External staining: These are the colorations that adhere to the tooth surface from some foods, coloring agents such as cigarettes, tea, coffee. It is possible to get rid of these stains by cleaning the calculus and professional polishing afterwards.

Different colorations require different treatments. For this reason, it is best to decide together with your dentist what type of application should be done.

Things to consider in the bleaching process

1- Carefully protect your gums

2- Correct adjustment of the concentration of the drug used (bleaching gels contain carbamide peroxide in different proportions) and the duration of use.

Some people complain of a slight sensitivity during or after the whitening process. This sensitivity will disappear completely in 1-3 days. The important thing is that the procedures required by the system used are carried out completely and correctly. It is a harmless and very effective aesthetic development method when the whitening process is performed by suitable people.
The Office bleaching system used in our clinic was preferred because it provides 8-10 tones of whitening with low-density gel, and the color return and post-process sensitivity are minimal.

It is the fastest method in teeth whitening. Teeth become 8+ times whiter in an hour.

The whitening process is applied in 2 ways:

Blaeching is the fastest, safest and most effective whitening system that can lighten 6-8 tons of tooth color in a short time, consisting of whitening gel and light, which is carried out in an office environment within 1 hour.

Home bleaching is the bleaching process performed by putting carbamide peroxide-based gels into plastic mouthpieces prepared specifically for the person with a simple oral measure. Desired whitening is achieved in an average of 5-7 days. It needs to be worn for 4-8 hours a day (depending on the color and gel).

Home Bleaching

Gels of various densities are used. Gels should be stored in the refrigerator. The first 3 days must be used in a row, then a break can be taken. Coloring agents (tea, coffee, cigarettes, wine, medical mouthwashes, etc.) should be avoided as much as possible during use. It cannot be compared with the whitening systems sold in pharmacies.

Office Bleaching

During Application:

Your gums are protected with a special barrier material.

The whitening gel is applied to your teeth and the light source is activated while you sit back and watch the DVD or CD of your choice.

With the LED light given in 3 cycles of 11 minutes, your whitening process is completed within 1 hour.

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