If you notice bleeding from your teeth while brushing or biting an apple, this means that you need professional intervention. So it's time to clean the teeth...

This bleeding comes from your gums and is caused by insufficient cleaning. When the teeth are not brushed, the microorganisms (microbes) in the mouth multiply by dividing and form deposits on the teeth in heaps. Thus, PLAQUE LAYER, which we hear a lot in toothbrush and toothpaste advertisements and which we do not know what it is, is formed.

This layer causes both tooth decay and gum disease, and our gums bleed. Elements such as ions in saliva (calcium, potassium...) adhere to this layer over time, and dental calculus, which almost becomes a germ base, is formed. If this situation is not resolved, advanced gingival diseases (periodontal diseases) may occur in the long term, which may require gingival recession and surgery. With the gingival recession, tooth roots become visible and very unhealthy and unaesthetic images may appear, especially in the anterior teeth. The thought that cleaning the tartar causes more tartar accumulation later is completely wrong. External factors such as coffee, tea, and cigarettes stain the plaque layer and stubborn surface discoloration occurs as these colored areas become petrified.

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